
Coronavirus(covid19) Healing Using Scalar Waves


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Product Overview

A bioresonance coronavirus therapy to heal Coronavirus(covid-19). Stop mutation of Coronavirus using the power of scalar waves.

We are able to produce Scalar Healing Frequencies embedded with information code to neutralize Coronavirus, to heal Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome related to Coronavirus, to boost infection resistance and immunity, using a photograph of the person in question. Please see our article to discover what are scalar waves and how it can benefit the mankind and our planet.

WAVES2CURE™ has been providing remote bioresonance energy healing programs for diverse ailments since August 2016. Using this technology, we have successfully healed seasonal infections, common cold, cough, and viral diseases by boosting immunity for people from 52 countries till date. Now, we have designed several frequencies to tackle Coronavirus. Our research expert is best in the world who has also applied an international patent for elimination of air pollution using scalar waves and satellite image of the geographic area. Please see news article, "Scientist develops, patents revolutionary new technology to eliminate air pollution."

Bioresonance coronavirus healing therapy is based on bio-resonance principles and proofed by the latest and cutting-edge science on Quantum Physics. Scientifically physical instruments are used to make sure that the Waves work. Please see how bio-resonance healing works.

Remote Sessions

  1. Corona Virus - Neutralize coronavirus.
  2. SARS Related Coronavirus - Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome due to Coronavirus.
  3. Viral Diseases - General frequencies for viral diseases.
  4. Virus Mutation - Stop virus mutation in your body.
  5. Essential Oils - Healing with the power of selected essential oils with special antiviral properties.
  6. General infection - General frequencies for infection.
  7. Respiratory Viral Diseases - Heal cheast area and upper respiratory system for viral diseases.
  8. Flower Essences - Heal infection with the power of flower essences. Assists body in shattering and throwing off that causes infection or disease.
  9. Infection Resistance - Build resistance to infection.
  10. Immunity Booster - Boost your immunity with alternate sessions from: essential oils, immune system, and immune response.

NoteYou will get total broadcasting for 15 days in 17 days.

Know your therapist - Mr. Nimesh Topiwala

  • Registered with All India Council of Alternative Medical Science & Research(AICASMR)
  • Qualified bioresonance practitioner with 7+ years of experience

Why choose WAVES2CURE™?

  • Qualified therapists
  • Professional Service
  • Affordable Pricing
  • Satisfaction Guaranteed

You can order this healing for your friend or family members.

Order now bio-resonance coronavirus therapy to stop mutation of Coronavirus! Improve chances with this non-touch based alternate therapy.


Have you ever had any success to heal, cure, or treat Novel Coronavirus?

Yes, just one client(see review feedback below). We had been successfully healing common cold, cough, and other seasonal viral respiratory problems using scalar waves. Hence, we are very confident that our technology shall also work to contain and to defeat Novel Coronavirus.

I do not have cold+cough or any kind of known infection. Can I order this healing if I wish to protect myself from Novel Coronavirus?

No. We rather recommend you "Immune System Booster" healing with add-on extra for "Infection Resistance."

I have cold+cough, but not aware if I have Novel Coronavirus. Can I order this healing program if I wish to protect myself from Novel Coronavirus?

No. You shall order this healing only if it is known that you have Coronavirus. We rather recommend you "Immune System Booster"AND PREMIUM package of Common Cold healing WITH add-on extra for cough.

Can you disinfect a large geographical area to stop mutation of Coronavirus?

Yes. We are capable to do so! If some philanthropist or government agencies approach us with enough fund to execute this project then we will be happy to do this project. Our experts have already filed one international patent to reduce air pollution and smog from a large geographical area and we can do the same to Coronavirus.

NOTE: Please check WHO FAQ for Coronavirus(COVID-19)